Massage: Catalyst for Change?

“Healthy diet starts tomorrow!” “10,000 steps if it kills me!” Who among us has not uttered these sentiments on some occasion? I know that I have, and I also know that without a proper dose of motivation, I am less than inclined to move toward meaningful change. The interesting thing about motivation is that it often requires an external stimulus—something on the outside—to set the wheels in motion. Think about fitting into that swimsuit in time for vacation or completing that degree before age 50. Motivation suggests an element of do or die, now or never. Inspiration, on the other hand, involves a subtle nudge from the universe, an idea that alights upon the spirit with gentle breath. Poetic imagery aside, the two concepts are vastly different, in terms of…
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Mindfulness and the Lost Weekend

What does the word “now” mean to you?  What sort of power does it hold?  Is it anticipatory or perhaps threatening, or does it convey a sense of the inevitable?  With all of the possibilities inherent in this small word, how many of us can say, honestly, that we are consciously aware of the present moment rather than focusing on the Next Thing? “All we have is now” is one of my favorite quotes.  For me, it suggests that limitless potential lies in the simple place of mindfulness.  Having said that, though, are we not all prone to an obsession with what is to come, be it the weekend….summer….quitting time…?  We tend to place a sense of security on something not even arrived.  In other words, “there” is somehow more…
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Daydreaming in Color

Daydreaming in Color   When it comes to fashion, nothing sparks excitement quite like seasonal nail trends, especially during the interminable transition from winter to spring.  Although our recent Chicago winter has been exceptionally mild (and unexpected), we still yearn for the first glimpse of awakening that ushers in slightly longer days, tentative morning birdsong, and the promise of green with all its luscious bounty.   Color is the watchword of the season, and as we witness the transformation of nature we too dream of a personal transformation—toward confidence, clarity, and perhaps renewed boldness, all of which are gifts of possibility bestowed by color.   2017 spring clothing fashion favors bold stripes, iridescent textiles, and hues of pink and blue.  Nail fashion, in a similar vein, will offer delicacies rich in…
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